backing tracks

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I have been playing since 2003.  I walked 2000km to Spain from London at this time and when I arrived to Santiago I bought a drum and have been playing ever since.  I spent the first few years playing in Psy-Trance Parties, learning to synchronize myself with the recorded beats, I haven't had any teacher, nor do I have a clue about traditional African drumming rhythms.  My rhythm is born of Soul.  My teacher of rhythm has been the unrelenting beats of Dance Music and the eternal rhythm of Pilgrimage. 

'Rhythm is a deep expression of Soul. That I am fully alive is communicated through these beats' 


Guided Meditations With Anu

Honouring Past Trauma - Part 2

Anu Azrael

At the root of fear, terror and resistance is unresolved trauma or undigested pain. Once we have slowed down and entered into a deeper state of listening to ourselves more holistically, feeling much safer now we can begin to welcome the unwept tears of past hurts or as Rumi says in the poem The Guest House, Welcome and entertain all the feelings,

At the root of fear, terror and resistance is unresolved trauma or undigested pain. Once we have slowed down and entered into a deeper state of listening to ourselves more holistically, feeling much safer now we can begin to welcome the unwept tears of past hurts or as Rumi says in the poem The Guest House, Welcome and entertain all the feelings, Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. She may be clearing you out for some new delight. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

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Overcoming Fear, Terror & Resistance - Part 1

Anu Azrael

When we experience fearful feelings and resistance it is very often connected to not feeling safe, it means we are not listening deeply enough to ourselves and what we need, we are pushing ahead too fast, still thinking we are in control of what happens next. The woundedness in us needs us to go slowly but we have not been listening, getting too

When we experience fearful feelings and resistance it is very often connected to not feeling safe, it means we are not listening deeply enough to ourselves and what we need, we are pushing ahead too fast, still thinking we are in control of what happens next. The woundedness in us needs us to go slowly but we have not been listening, getting too caught up in the excitement and beauty of life, so then what happens is that the survivor in us intervenes in our forward movement and slams on the brakes. The survivor sabotages our success because we are not listening. Fear, Terror & Resistance are all voices of the inner survivor saying ‘you are not listening to me, please stop and take a moment to honour me’. Our inner survivors are like stoic guardians standing at the gateway between different paradigms of living. Thou shall not break through without submitting to these guardians and relinquishing full control. This is a meditation for honouring all the voices of our inner survivors. Fear, terror and resistance. So that maybe, just maybe we will be allowed to begin moving beyond the experience of survival and really start living life more fully.

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Connecting With The Wisdom Of The Field

Anu Azrael

A guided meditation to help you get connected to the wisdom of the field.

Before beginning to listen, make sure you find a comfortable position to sit or stand. Press play and then close your eyes. Happy journey into the field.

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Welcome To The Spirit Of Adventure